SureBatch Controller Software Version 2.0.2

Modifiled By: Matthew Fritz at Oct. 5, 2021, 11:09 a.m.

Version: 2.0.2 / 10-5-2021

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This software requires the nano54415 controller hardware. Any SureBatch manufactured after year 2020 will utilize this software. 

This controller software will require display software version A3.

Notes about version 2.0.2:
Issue: When pump is set to start at 100% from 0, the
power supply tended to drop out due to heavy load as
motor spins up.

Added ramped motor speed change.

Any time motor starts from stopped, manual or automatic,
the motor does not immediately jump to target speed. It
increments 10% of difference between target and stopped.
This 10% speed increase happens every 100 milliseconds.
After one second, the motor is at the desired speed.

If motor is already running and on manual:
if slower speed is requested, the speed changes without ramp.
If faster speed is requested, the speed increase is ramped.